
Horseback Riding

I (Jen) have been helping out at a ranch just south of Provo with their horses.
We have been able to take the boys out to learn how to take care of the horses and get to ride them, which has been a fun experience for them. You can see pics below of them.
(in case you wonder who the third boy is in the pictures, it is Ethan & Jacob's cousin Cameron).
Which leads me into my (Jen) experience today. The horse I was riding today (in an outdoor arena) got spooked and started to bolt, then was bucking around. The guy (Rory, pictured below) I was riding with said that I squeezed my legs together so I wouldn't fall off, which got him to stop bucking but made him take off on a dead run. I kept hearing Rory yelling at me to turn him (this will make the horse turn in a circle and tire them out until it stops) ... this is easier said than done though when you have a horse on the run and your adrenaline going!
The horse was headed straight for a 5 foot metal fence and it was getting closer and closer. I was just thinking that I didn't want the horse to put the breaks on when he gets to the fence and have me fly over the him AND the fence. So instead of getting thrown by the horse I made myself fall off the horse. The other guy said I slid on my back (head first) about 4 feet until my head hit the metal bar on the fence. I opened my eyes and just saw this huge cloud of dust with Rory headed toward me. I got the wind knocked out of me pretty good, but after a few minutes I jumped back onto a different horse that is calmer so that my confidence wouldn't be broken. Amazingly I was calmer and wasn't as scared as I think I should have been!

Luckily I walked away with only a couple jammed fingers, concussion, bruised and dirt/rock rash on my back! Yes, I will still be going back. Not back on that horse though!